Frequently asked questions.

Will I benefit from hypnosis?

Yes, everyone can benefit from direct access to their subconscious, however people seek hypnosis for many different reasons. Some people are interested in self discovery, feel stuck or want to take their lives or business to a higher level. Other people come with specific physical and emotional issues that they are working on and would like to find relief. There is also another group of clients that desire spiritual insights or want to speak with deceased pets, relatives, or spiritual guides.

Do I fall asleep during hypnosis?

Typically no, a hypnotic trance is not the same as being asleep. It is an expanded state of awareness or an altered state of consciousness. On very rare occasions, if very tired, some people fall asleep.

Is hypnosis safe?

Yes, hypnosis is completely safe and has been used to help people relax and not feel pain before surgery and dentistry.

What does holistic mean?

Holistic means concerned with whole or complete systems rather than with the individual parts. As a holistic practitioner, my intention is to treat the mind and the body and spirit.

What do I feel under hypnosis?

There are varying degrees of hypnotic induction or trance. Everyone is different but some people feel physically relaxed while remaining mentally alert.

Am I in control during a session?

Yes, you are in complete control and never lose consciousness.

All hypnosis is self hypnosis. The stage hypnosis where people quack like a duck that you may have seen specifically selects people that are highly inducible.

Will I remember my experience after hypnosis?

While most people remember their sessions, others remember some and a small percentage remember nothing at all.

What happens during a session?

All sessions are on Zoom, so you relax in the comfort of you own home. Deep dive sessions are two to three hours but can last longer.

The sessions work best on a laptop and with headphones that fit over your ears so that I can hear you throughout the session.

I ask clients to bring 2 to 3 questions or issues that are currently active in their lives or continued patterns that they would like to work through.

After the hypnotic induction, there are many different combinations of things that potentially happen in a session. We may visit past events that have happened much earlier in your life or you may experience past life regressions. We may remove entities or spirits that are currently attached to you. Your higher self, true self, ancestors, deceased relatives, animal, angelic or galactic guides may come through. Some clients channel messages, receive activations or receive spiritual gifts from their guides.

What should I do afterwards?

Hydration is extremely important post session.

If possible, schedule time to relax after your session.

Journaling and spending time in nature is highly recommended. Depending on what happens during your session, you may be processing and integrating for a couple of weeks.

If you have any questions that you don’t see here, please feel free to reach out.